Friday, May 15, 2015

Godfather of ISIS

1 comment:

  1. Maryam Rajavi in Hearing by Subcommittee on Terrorism, non-Proliferation and Trade U.S. House of Representatives - Foreign Affairs Committee outlined the following practical steps necessary for defeating Islamic fundamentalism:
    1) Expel the Quds Force from Iraq and end the Iranian regime's influence in that country;
    2) Enable full participation of Sunnis in power sharing and arm Sunni tribes to provide security for their communities;
    3) Assist Syria’s moderate opposition and people to end Assad's regime and establish democracy in that country;
    4) Recognize the Iranian people's aspirations to overthrow the mullahs and end inaction vis-à-vis the gross human rights violations in Iran.

    5) Provide protection for, and uphold the rights of members of Iran’s organized opposition, the MEK, residing in Camp Liberty in Iraq.
    6) Empower the true, democratic and tolerant Islam to counter fundamentalist interpretations of this religion; and
    7) Block all pathways for the Iranian regime to acquire nuclear weapons.
